its always showtime

here at the edge of the stage

here at the edge of the stage


an attempt at keeping things organizedmess

in true kate fashion the chemicals made it into the studio, got opened, mixed up and became part of the larger problem.

as the front of my brain was getting creative with the limited horizontal space and mixing glazes, the back was plotting ideas for storage and organization and a return to the sanity.  so i hit the store for small containers for my collection of opacificers and metal oxides, brackets and wood for shelves.

streamlining part 1streamlining part 2

as i couldn’t see before i put in shelves, i’ve got quite alot of work stockpiled and so today i test fire my glazes and hopefully get some good results and have a decent palette to work with.  i’m also excited about the cone 6 blacks i tinkered with because electric bill wise cone 6 is a little easier on the pocket book esp in the texas summer.

my next work

my next work

as for projects: next up will be to repaint my library cart for bats and misc tools so that if need arises (and i know it will) i’ll be able to add more shelves. under the large section of shelves i decided to build a small rise to house bags of chemicals under and glazes on top,but that stuff can wait because i’ve got some lovely wedged porcelain calling my name.


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