
about a month into vacation and i have managed to make a bit of work in the studio. summer 3

i actually am pleased with the amount of work, less pleased with my lack of sketching but i figure during the trip portion of vacation i will be inspired (eye candy) and have time to sketch.

i also started finally working on some pieces that will go directly on the wall, this past spring i tried a few that were bulky and unflattering. so far i have worked on a 4 (2 being what you see above) the other two need some shaping before i decide and shoot them. I decided to try different construction techniques mostly because of the earlier unsuccessful attempt but also why put all your eggs in one basket. i still need to make empty bowls so i can fire the kiln but there’s always august.

got word i was juried into Visions in Clay, juror Peter Held at the LL Horton Jr. Gallery San Joaquin Delta College.


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