rebel rebel

Not long ago David Bowie died, folks took it to hear and then just a little bit farther. fb was flooded with those saddened and in stunned disbelief, my feed was a parade of videos, images and stories.  There were memorials, tributes, bowie specific art shows and the town i live in (which has no … [Read more…]

san angelo 21

this past spring i had work accepted into the san angelo 21st national ceramic competition, a biennial i’ve had the good fortune of being included in many years in the past. its driving distance from home the selection of work is always superb so  i would be lying to say its not one of my … [Read more…]

a walk in the park

a friend sent me this article today and it resonated in so many ways.  i’ve applied the old addage, “a journey of a thousand steps begins with the first”  since about age 9 and quite enjoy the pleasure of putting my feet to the pavement (ground, sand, et al) and just going – regardless of destination. … [Read more…]

the summer work

between throwing and firing wedding pots and a dry salt firing of functional ware, which was more an experiment to see what residual salt would get me (the results were not too bad, and i admit the nice orange of reduction is growing on me) there wasn’t  as much time this summer to get work made, … [Read more…]

music musings

one of my fb friends posed the question ‘ if you were stuck on a desert island and could only listen to one band for the rest of your days what would it be’ while it was interesting to read the choices of others,  i myself chose talking heads, which then caused me to put … [Read more…]